Serving our clients with all-round solution options for their energy needs.

Don’t compromise the safety and functionality of your electrical system. Contact WCI Electric today for professional panel upgrades, repairs, and maintenance services in San Jose, CA, and the Greater Bay Area.

Do you know?
An electrical panel is responsible for regulating the electricity from your utility and distributes it to individual circuits. Whenever a circuit requires excessive electric flow, a circuit breaker in the electric panel is tripped to stop electricity and overload on the wiring. An adequate electrical panel, thus, protects all the circuits against overloads.

How does the circuit overload occur?
A circuit overload occurs when the amount of current flowing through it surpasses the rating of connected devices. Overloading is the major cause of fire incidents at homes and industries.

Risk of overloading on older electrical panels

Most of the time, people do not understand the need for panel upgrades. Older electrical panels are more prone to fire and safety hazards because of the increased electrical demands. Panel upgrade, however, is an extensive task that needs to be performed by expert and licensed electricians. The WCI Electric is a team of expert professionals who provide maintenance, replacement, and repair of electrical panels with a 100 percent guarantee.

Tell-tale signs of outdated electrical panels

If your home is over and above ten years, then it is a potential sign that you need a panel upgrade. There is no question that recent technological advances have given rise to the emergence of energy-efficient devices. However, still, the number of gadgets used by an average modern household has augmented more than ever. Some warning signs of outdated panels are listed below;

  1. Flickering of lights
  2. Peculiar noises from the fuse box
  3. Tripping of breakers
  4. Emerging smoke from outlets
  5. Burning smells

If you are noticing any of these signs, then contact us! Your panel might be wearing out, and you its something that you shouldn’t overlook.

How to check your electrical panel

We usually take electricity in our homes for granted and overlook the importance of keeping a check on them. The cryptic gray metal box, being at the top of the most ignored but equally important appliance that regulates the passage of all electricity coursing around your home. Here are some ways to check if you need an electric panel upgrade.

How to check your electrical panel

We usually take electricity in our homes for granted and overlook the importance of keeping a check on them. The cryptic gray metal box, being at the top of the most ignored but equally important appliance that regulates the passage of all electricity coursing around your home. Here are some ways to check if you need an electric panel upgrade.

  1. Check if crackling sounds are coming from the panel
  2. Make sure there is no erosion or rust on circuit breakers
  3. Examine the temperature of the Interior part of your panel (it should not be warm)
  4. Check the power rating of your appliances (it should not be less than full power)
  5. Make sure you are not using too many extension cords

Types of electrical panels

Here is a list of different electrical panel types that you should now;

The main breaker panel is essentially the most common electrical panel responsible for the protection of circuits and keeping amperage capacity track. It prevents overheating and overloading. You should check the following parameters before selecting a panel.

  1. Before replacing, match the amperage capacity of the panel with your existing panel.
  2. Ampere range must be 60 amps for old and 200 amps for new buildings.
  3. The ampere range of your breaker panel should be from 200 to 400 amperes.

Specifically designed for circuit overload prevention, fuse circuits consist of small fuses that are shortened whenever there is excessive current flow. This type, however, is usually found in the buildings that were built during the 1970s.

Main lug panels use line wires that run into its lugs. They do not feature the main panel, however, it can be connected to the main lug panel, where it operates like a sub-panel


Sub-panels are similar to the main service panels; however, they are only responsible for power distribution to a specific zone if a building or property. They are generally found in laundry rooms, garage or hallways.


These sub-panels are the best suited for circuits which make use of backup power generator. It basically transfers the generator power to electrical power through the panel. There are two types of transfer switches;

Manual: It requires manual starting of the generator and then switching.

Automatic: Automatic power switching from electric load to backup power.

What does WCI Electric do?
WCI Electric is an Energy Solution Provider specializing in the turnkey installation of electrical panels on a commercial and large-scale level. Our expertise covers an entire value chain, ranging from maintenance, repair, and commissioning to operations of electrical panel projects and updates. WCI Electric is a team of professionals, engineers, electricians, and technicians who work together and pull all their effort in providing you timely solutions.

Types of electrical panels

With our proficiency in all electricity domains with a record of installation and execution of complex projects, we can be a perfect choice for consultation of your electric needs.

From the selection of appropriate equipment to their installation, maintenance and repair, we are the most specialized to provide you a timely solution to all panel requirements.

Electric panel installation is a highly risky task that requires a lot of precaution and care, with our team of licensed electricians trained in HSE. Our team has been trained to improve safety during the execution of the project.


This is all you need to know about electrical panels and panel upgrades. For more information or help, contact us anytime. We provide services in Santa Clara County and its surrounding areas.